July 22 is a very important day in our world. Bob has it engraved inside his wedding ring just in case he might forget. This is our third anniversary, and our best one yet. On our first anniversary, Bob gave me a palatial home that could house triplets. On our second anniversary, Bob gave me an "heirloom quality" dining room table which I lusted after for months and is currently the most expensive item in our home. For our third anniversary, Bob outdid himself again and gave me three beautiful boys that are healthy and now a month old! I don't know if all wives feel this way, but I'm pretty sure I'm the luckiest girl in the world with the best husband. It's hard to believe that it's been three years while at the same time it seems like forever and that my life didn't really start until I met Bob. Happy Anniversary, my love! Three years ago this was the best day in my life (only recently surpassed by June 24 this year). I'm sure that this year together will be the best one yet.
happy anniversary a little late!!! the pic at the top of your blog is beyond precious! who took it! I am just so happy for ya'll! and those boys are so precious!! hope all is going well and know that we think and pray for you everyday! (and remember angela!!! a bubble bath can solve all sorts of problems!!! :)