Friday, November 13, 2009

Dog Days of November

Lately, the boys and the dogs have started to notice each other. Dusty, our oldest dog, is very protective of the boys, and she has always gone from crib to crib smelling and counting heads. Duke, on the other hand, could not care less about the boys. Lately, when I give the boys a bath, he likes to come by and lick the lotion off. That dog is weird. Anyway, both the boys and Duke have been paying more attention to each other. In the above photo and video below, Duke licks Michael's hand, much to Michael's enjoyment.

Here, Ryan and Duke make friends. I'm not sure if Duke has conned someone else into petting him or if Ryan is trying to push him away, but they both seemed to enjoy the contact.
Duke checks Ryan for dirty pants.
My parents' dog, the Professor, likes to mount the arm of the chair and make himself look tough. Bob and James are not really impressed. The other day, the Professor, who likes to bark at company, went nuts and our dogs hurdled the activity mats to join him. It made my heart stop for a bit, but as of yet, there have been no dog/child injuries. Just lots of licking.

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