Friday, November 27, 2009

Bird's Eye View

The boys come up with a plan.
James is my most aggressive eater as can be seen by his very neat and tidy face.
Michael the Cool would like some rice cereal, Mommy. (By the way, cereal, cereal have become the new lyrics to Madonna's Material Girl).

Ryan enjoying some rice cereal (although every time he takes the first bite he looks disappointed, like he's thinking, "oh great, this crap again, couldn't I have a cookie, Mom?").
Ryan and Emma check each other out. Notice the drool covering the front of his shirt. All of the boys are starting to drool like faucets. I think this means teeth might be in our future.
Mikey does the full face thumb suck technique.
James goes for a ride on Duke. Duke has gotten wise to this trick and heads for the hills whenever the boys get too close.
Ryan loves the cow. It's just so funny.
Michael displaying his good tummy time techniques.
Gymnast James can keep those legs straight, no matter where.
Ryan and Michael holding hands. Sort of.
Michael up to his usual tricks while James patiently endures.

1 comment:

  1. My boys loved that cow so much that I had to get the frog and duck too. Your boys are looking so big, happy and healthy. Good job Mommy and Daddy!
